Ultra ograničena serija ulaznica "Košava" je u pret-pretprodaji! Kupovinom ostvarujete i do 40% popusta na smeštaj u partnerskim hotelima i apartmanima!
WordCamp Vršac u doba korone
Dragi svi,
U svetlu aktuelnih događanja obaveštavamo vas o situaciji u kojoj se WordCamp Vršac nalazi. Pandemiju Korona virusa prati i epidemija otkazivanja svih događaja, pa i WordCampova širom sveta.
Zahvaljujući razumevanju i predusretljivosti hotela Villa Breg, u kojoj će se WordCamp Vršac 2020 održati, u mogućnosti smo da rezervaciju sala za predavanja potvrdimo ili otkažemo do početka aprila. Stoga smo odlučili da pratimo razvoj situacije i nadamo se najboljem, te da za sada ne pomeramo niti otkazujemo konferenciju. Nastavićemo sa onim delom priprema koji ne zavise od datuma - potragom za predavačima i sponzorima, ne bi li čim pandemija prođe imali spremnu konferenciju.
Niko ne može da predvidi tok događaja, stoga ne možemo da garantujemo da li će WordCamp Vršac biti održan kako je prvobitno planirano, pomeren ili čak otkazan. Ono što možemo da garantujemo je da će naša odluka biti odgovorna i da nećemo rizikovati ničije zdravlje i bezbednost!
Pratite nas, pazite na svoje i tuđe zdravlje i ne podležite panici. Vidimo se u Vršcu kada Korona prođe!
“Kosava” Ultra Limited Ticket Series is on sale now! With your purchase, you get up to 40% discount on accommodation in partner hotels and
WordCamp Vrsac in the Time of Coronavirus
Dear All,
In order to shed light on current events, we wish to inform you about the situation surrounding WordCamp Vršac is. The Coronavirus pandemic is being accompanied by a cancellation of all events, including WordCamps worldwide.
Thanks to the understanding and kindness of Hotel Villa Breg, in which WordCamp Vršac 2020 will take place, we are able to confirm or cancel the reservation of the venue by the beginning of April. Therefore, we decided to monitor the situation and hope for the best, and for now we will not postpone or cancel the conference. We will continue the preparations that do not depend on the date - search for lecturers and sponsors, in order to have a conference ready as soon as the pandemic is over.
No one can predict the course of events, so we cannot guarantee that WordCamp Vršac will be held as originally planned, moved or even canceled. Yet we can guarantee that our decision will be responsible and that we will not risk anyone's health and safety!
Follow us, take care of your own and others' health and do not panic. See you in Vrsac when the Corona passes!
The opponent we were faced with has forced us to retreat after all. We hoped that all this would pass and that the conference would be on schedule as planned. Still, we are forced to put it off indefinitely.
We still hope WordCamp Vrsac will take place this spring, though we are aware that it may be an overly optimistic estimate. In any case, we will notify you of the new conference date.
Please complete the short survey below. It will take you a few seconds but will mean a lot to us.
Protivnik sa kojim smo se sučelili naterao nas je da se ipak povučemo. Nadali smo se da će ovo čudo proći i da ćemo konferenciju održati kao što je planirano. Ipak, primorani smo da je odložimo na neodređeno vreme.
I dalje se nadamo da će se WordCamp Vršac održati ovoga proleća, mada smo svesni da je to možda previše optimistična procena. U svakom slučaju, čim situacija postane jasna, obavestićemo vas o novom terminu.
Molimo vas da popunite kratku anketu u nastavku, vama je to trenutak, a nama mnogo znači.
I agree that WordCamps are meant to benefit the local WordPress community through live events and the broader WordPress community through the sharing of online video and other materials.
I agree that a WordCamp is a casual, locally- and volunteer-organized event, focused on WordPress and reflecting the local WordPress community it represents.
I understand that WordCamp organizers, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers are expected to support the WordPress project and its principles.
I understand that the principles of the WordPress project include:
no discrimination on the basis of economic or social status, race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, or disability
no incitement to violence or promotion of hate
no spammers
no jerks
respect the WordPress trademark
embrace the WordPress license; If distributing WordPress-derivative works (themes, plugins, WP distros), any person or business officially associated with WordCamp should give their users the same freedoms that WordPress itself provides: 100% GPL or compatible, the same guidelines we follow on WordPress.org.
don’t promote companies or people that violate the trademark or distribute WordPress derivative works which aren’t 100% GPL compatible
I agree that WordCamps are not-for-profit events, organized with budget and funding transparency.
I agree that WordCamps should be accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of financial status.
I agree to safeguard the sensitive personal data collected and stored on WordCamp.org, according to the WordPress.org privacy policy.
I understand that data recording my participation as WordCamp organizer, speaker, sponsor, and/or volunteer will be retained indefinitely, to preserve the history of the WordPress open source project.
I agree that I am not an employee of the WordPress Foundation or any subsidiary of the Foundation, and am participating in WordCamp exclusively as a volunteer.
WordCamp Vršac 2020 aims to bring together participants and speakers, as well as sponsors – those from the IT industry but also local businessmen and entrepreneurs who recognise the value and importance of our conference. Among those who understand and support our efforts to please our guests are Vršac hotels and apartments. They have enabled us to offer the fastest ticket buyers accommodation at much lower prices. It is a kind of reward for all of you who have planned in advance to be part of WordCamp Vršac 2020 and contribute to the success of the conference. After you purchase your ticket, you will receive a discount code when booking directly (not through booking.com or other intermediaries).
Zbog svoje lepote i gostoljubivosti Vršac je na dobrom glasu kod turista. Smeštajni kapaciteti mogu da prime sve goste konferencije, samo je potrebno blagovremeno rezervisati smeštaj, pošto je Vršac česta destinacija vinskog, lovačkog i kongresnog turizma.
Na raspolaganju vam je nekoliko hotela kao i veliki broj apartmana. Učesnici WordCamp Vršac 2020 koji se odluče za kupovinu ulaznica u pretprodaji ostvaruju značajne popuste u partnerskim hotelima i apartmanima.
Možda posedujete stranicu koja je rađena u WordPressu, ili on pokreće vašu veb-prodavnicu. Možda ste bloger ili pisac, dizajner ili marketar. Možda kreirate sajtove za svoje klijente. Kako god bilo, ako vaš posao ili interesovanja imaju bilo kakvih dodirnih tačaka sa internetom, sigurno ćete sresti neke zanimljive ljude i imati koristi ako dođete na Contributor Day na WordCamp Vršac!
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